
Doping: Russian Athletes will be Banned from the Competition, Including the Olympic Games

keeping athletes Russian Athletics excluded from international competition, including the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

athletics managers have decided the suspension, which was introduced in November after the state-sponsored doping accusations should not be revoked.

But individual athletes competing as neutral if they show that they are clean.

Meanwhile, Russian pole vaulter Yelena Isinbayeva he would appeal the decision by the IAAF in court, claiming that it was "a violation of human rights".

Isinbayeva, 34, who won Olympic gold in 2004 and 2008, added: "I'm disappointed and angry offended no one defended us.

"No one has fought for our rights and there are no major problems and its position in order to defend the rights of clean athletes the IAAF.

"We are accused of something we did not do. I will not be quiet, I will act. I appeal to the European Court."

Russian anger over the ban

Russian President Vladimir Putin described the ban as "unfair and unjust".

He said: "It is generally recognized principles of law and one of them is that responsibility always personified.

"If any of your family members have committed a crime, it would be right to hold all responsible family members, including you? That's not how it's done.

"People who have nothing to do with the crime, why should they suffer for committing the crime?"

In a statement from the Ministry of Sports of Russia, it said he was "very disappointed" by the decision of the IAAF.

He continued. "Clean athletes dreams destroyed because of the behavior of other athletes and officials reprehensible that has years of his life striving to compete in the Olympics and now sacrificed the sacrifice that seems to be wasted.

"We have done everything possible since the ban first imposed done to restore confidence in the international community. We have our anti-doping institutions, led by international experts reconstructed respected.

"Our athletes are tested by the Agency, UK Anti-Doping (Increase) and each of them goes through a minimum of three tests, in addition to the usual requirements. We have nothing to hide and we felt met the conditions of the IAAF for the return."

IAAF President Lord Coe said that "no politics were involved in the decision on Russia's ban. He stressed the unanimous nature of the judgment and the international scope of the Council.

Coe also said he was "very happy" to return to the Commons Culture, Media and Sport committee to provide further evidence of doping and corruption in sport, and the first time I was aware of the allegations.

reaction of the athletics world

US track and field team, he said he supported the continued suspension of Russia "to ensure clean and fair competition for all athletes."

He added in a statement: "It's the right thing to do, given the compelling and strong evidence presented to the Council.

"We do not believe that any Russian athlete cheated, and it is unfortunate and regrettable that some may pay a penalty for serious violations of their union."

President of UK Athletics Ed Warner said that one must "not avoid network cheater." He added: "This will have more time to provide the authorities ensure that systems are in place for all clean athletes that provides protection against the rules.

"As one of the few truly global sports, we waited a bit 'to return to Russia in the competition. "

The former long-distance runner Paula Radcliffe commended the IAAF to take a "strong" and "important" decisions.

"They have shown that they are willing to come forward and play their important role for clean athletes to ensure that everything is done to keep a level playing field and to this day," says Radcliffe.

"Now, to act for IT managers and other government agencies. I sympathize with some clean athlete who loses in this, but Russia is simply not enough to meet to do and showed a lack of respect for the rules of our sport."

Former world 110m hurdles Colin Jackson questioned the idea of ​​athletes eligible to compete as a neutral.

"I think it will be very rare. For me, the essence of the Olympic Games to the country," he told BBC Radio Wales

IAAF report of the working - what to do Russia

A report from the Working Group summary says that Russia must demonstrate a culture of zero tolerance against doping in sport.

Although it has been important to meet the IAAF criteria, progress still needs work. Especially:

rooted culture of tolerance for doping does not seem to have changed. The track coaches and athletes seem to be willing to admit the extent of the doping problem.
Infrastructure strong and effective anti-doping, was able to detect and prevent doping is not yet done.
There are detailed reports of the Ministry of Sports and systematic doping cover-up orchestrated.
But the report said that if individual athletes convincing evidence that they are not contaminated by the system will be allowed to compete in the international competition, not for Russia, but as a natural athlete.

The country has been suspended by the IAAF after an independent report Wada is a widespread culture of doping, even with the intelligence involved.

Russian sports minister Vitaly Mutko has already said that cheating athletes were not caught by the anti-doping system in the country, but refused to acknowledge that the scandal was sponsored by the state is "very sad".

A working group is studying Russian reforms, but a new report from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), released on Wednesday, made more claims.

Wada said that authorities in Russia were excluded from the testing of athletes and threatened by the security forces.

International Olympic (IOC) Commission Vice-President John Coates said athletes from Russia should continue to be prohibited and will not be allowed to participate in the Summer Olympics in Rio.

He also said that the body WADA and athletic Russians were "rotten".

IOC officials met in Lausanne on Tuesday to discuss the issue, with some suspended concern punish innocent athletes.

IOC has the power to revoke the decision of the IAAF and let the Russian athletics team to compete in the Olympics, which begin Aug. 5.

"I would be very surprised if it happened," Coates said Saturday. "And the" right to an International Federation to suspend a national association and not that we would withdraw completely. "


Steven Rosenberg BBC correspondent in Moscow

Always going to be a tough fight, especially after the World Anti-Doping Agency has published its latest report on Wednesday, as they are expected to impress Moscow.

Two-time Olympic champion Isinbayeva vaults auction is not the only one to take legal action against the IAAF.

"I think many athletes in court," Dmitry Shlyakhtin, president of the Russian Athletics Federation, said.

The former biathlete Alexander Tikhonov has called "the most incompetent decisions in the history of world sports."

Before the decision the President, Vladimir Putin had a last attempt for the world to isolation of Russia in athletics must end now get created. He said that the Russian authorities were "categorically against" the use of banned substances in sport. He claimed that "is not only a problem in Russia. It is a problem in the sports world" and warned doping "collective responsibility."

In other words, the Kremlin is convinced that "clean athletes" should not be punished for other athletes break the rules.

What reforms in Russia?

According to Mutko, Russia is reforming its anti-doping program since it was announced in November.

He says he has:

Independent tests have introduced
Additional tests introduced
Russian Anti-Doping Agency has revised
Revised Russian Athletics Federation
tougher rules introduced by doping
introduced in doping lessons at school
Mutko urges Russia has asked to "re-integrate into athletic competition," and has hinted that his country may take action on the athletics federation has not recovered "has done everything the IAAF."

Russia says it is unfair victims claim that other countries have fallen in conflict with the WADA code, such as Kenya and Ethiopia, but are free to compete.