
Golds and a Parting Team in Rio on-site Event Test

Carioca ARENA Olympic Park 3 of the Rio de Janeiro Bar was the venue for the final of the World Cup team in late April. Fold as a test case RIO 2016, six times COMPETITION SEGA Olympic gold medalist Valentina Vezzali foil ARCO SPORT WITH ANOTHER medal around his neck.

Even FIE World Championships for Olympic year do not keep complete programs, making it the tournament for the two events show that pushed the ten Olympic program event every four years. Closure of hours in Rio in 2016, the men's saber team and the role of the women's team, with their respective World Cup a perfect opportunity to use the facilities of Bar Carioca Olympic Park offers tests Arena March 25 to 27.

"The importance of the event the test is trying everything to try for the Olympics," said Krisztian Kulcsar FIU sports director. "This means that we tried the place, we test the technology and, more importantly, we test the presentation relevant procedures."

"This is the final version of the platform and the stage," he continued. "Sure, we have a couple of minor issues that need to be discovered. This place is different from what we usually fence.

"In the scene we usually only spectators on both sides of the field. In this area, the shape of the seat, we must take care of the audience, sitting at either end of the field. So as X, provide greater visibility for them."

To explain the significance of the event from their point of view, the Cariocas Arena Site Manager Einaldo Batista said: "This is a great opportunity for us to join our team had seven samples prior to this train, but this is the most important because it is. First time we formed our team in this place, and it is the first time must be brought to justice.

"This place has a lot of new for our team building things for our team to be reckoned with. We tested the system, the lights and the air conditioning plumbing. Is the first time we got air conditioning. It is important for infrastructure and local development that we know what is the site of the Olympic games. "

How Kulcsar went on to say, giving the competition is also an opportunity for a new unit test results: "We have evolved from London is also the same participants, the same officials, the same judge who work here who will work during the Games.".
Arches Vezzali style

The event saw the Italian six-time Olympic champion Valentina Vezzali creates an emotional final appearance on the track. 42-year-old Martina Batini and councilors Rio 2016 Elisa Di Francisca and Arianna Errigo Italy to the finals, where they lost 39-45 to the Russian Deriglazova Inna quartet, Larisa Korobeynikova, Aida Shanayeva and Adelina Zagidullina.
"Fencing is my life," said Vezzali, winner of nine Olympic medals in what has been a brilliant career. "My role is in life, after every end there is always a new beginning with me since I was a little over six years, and together we shared emotions, disappointments, medals, setbacks and tears of joy and anger .. today I see a sunset but at the beginning of the new shares to be faced and won. "

French quartet Gaëlle Gebet, Astrid Guyart, Yasaora Thibus and Pauline Ranvier, defeated Korea 45-18 to win bronze.
Russia also took top honors in the men's saber team Aleksey Yakimenko Nikolay Kovalev, Kamil Iragimov and Dmitryi Danilenko combination of scoring a victory in the final against Hungarian Tamas Decsi quartet, Nikolász Iliász, András Szatmári and Aaron Szilágyi 45-38.

Romania the bronze medal, as Alin Badea Ciprian Ciprian Galatanu, Tiberiu Dolniceanu Iulian Teodosiu linked to Iran took 45-35 defeat.