
Olympic Torch Light AMAZON

The Olympic flame also ventured into the Amazon rainforest over the weekend as the Olympic torch relay has reached the center of one of the most beautiful regions in Brazil.

On Friday, June 17 flame arrived in Santarem, in the state of Para, and began his journey on the banks of the Tapajos River, known as the Caribbean of Brazil.

The village of Alter do Chao provides a school for genuine acceptance and Aboriginal athletes greeting the flame, along with the women in the religious tradition of the Festa do SAIRE.

Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay - Day 46
Legal Corrêa Dias, a triathlete of Borari tribes, was the first to carry the flame and said. "I want to represent my people, I am very pleased to participate in the Olympic Games has always been a dream and I do a bit of that dream now."

The relay continued by boat, hoping to discover some of the famous pink river dolphins.

Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay - Day 46
Torchbearer Aurimar Rodrigues, born in the Tapajós National Forest, took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of preserving the environment.

"The Olympic flame arrived at an important time to warn people," he said.

"If you do anything not to be here, it can be anything. Alter do Chao and jungle needs more attention."

After leaving Santarém, the relay went to Boa Vista in Roraima, Brazilian state 18 to receive the Olympic flame.

The convoy visited the Campo Alegre, an indigenous community where skydiver Luigi Cani jump with a torch in his hand, so that it can be lit landing. Ran Sampaio called Lourdes, one of the oldest members of society.

"We have planted cassava, corn, beans, melons ... the torch is a member of our community," he said.

Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay - Day 47
Marcio da Silva, who was the first Ultraman northern Brazil and started triathlon in the forest, he said he would move the experience to carry the Olympic flame.

"When you have the torch and implementation, which is an indescribable feeling," he said.

Sunday, the flame traveled to Manaus, the Amazon, and was greeted by a fanfare at the Arena da Amazônia, together with a representation of the Brazilian Army paratroopers.

Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay - Day 48

Among the torchbearers was Dissica Calderário, a multi-athlete, playing football, doing jujitsu, water marathons and cycles.

"There is great potential for discovering the city," he said. "Blood is blood Manauara win was a group of warriors challenges born with sport in my veins."

living proof that it was Gustavo dos Santos, 19, whose mother tongue shooting with the bow was discovered thanks to a project the talent to find potential Olympic rainforest.

Drean teammate, who also bore the torch, said it aimed to Tokyo in 2020.

Rio 2016 Olympic torch has three pairs presented first partners around the world, Coca-Cola, which continues its longstanding support for the passage of the Olympic flame, and local partners Bradesco and Nissan. For more information, visit the Rio 2016 website.